Mission Statement

As members of the Saint Pius School Community, we strive to follow Jesus as we Study, Pray, and Serve.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Science- Human Body Systems

Noah and Andrew brought their digestive systems on a sleep over!
Kelsie Flynn's dog napping with her digestive system.

Ava Messisco's system is all wrapped up in a good book!

Tracing for our body systems project.

Our fifth grade class had a wonderful time learning about the systems in our bodies! We found the lengths of each part of our digestive system(about 5 times your height all together) and then spent the weekend with them! I had so many great pictures of the class' traveling digestive systems.
We also worked in partners to find how two systems work together in our bodies! This was an informational and fun way to assess the end of our unit. We wrote about the system we chose and described how it functions in our body. Well Done Class!

Measuring each piece of the system even gave us a chance to integrate Math with Science!